
OpenGL / Metal API Developer

Project stack:

OpenGL, Metal API, Xcode, Android Studio

About the project:

Our client is developing one of the top mobile applications for photo and video editing, and we are helping them with that. The application is available on iOS and Android platforms. We are looking for someone who knows any graphics API (OpenGL, Metal, etc.) to help implement graphic effects (called filters) on iOS or Android. More than knowledge of mobile platforms, we value knowledge of computer graphics and experience on any platform. We are targeting our offer at people with GAMEDEV experience, as the people working in this position in our company come from that industry and excel in it.


💸 Very attractive compensation ranging from $55-$70 per hour. A top candidate can earn up to 54000 PLN net per month on a B2B basis. This is a significant amount to consider even if it means switching industries.
💻 Remote work from anywhere or from our office in Krakow.
📈 Satisfaction - the application is used by several million people monthly and is still growing.
😊 Friendly work environment, no crunching.
⌚ Flexible working hours and workload - we prefer full-time, but we are open to freelancer candidates who want to work in a different capacity.

We are looking for developers who:

✔ Have solid programming foundations.
✔ Know at least one graphics API (OpenGL, Metal, DirectX, etc.) and have commercial experience in this area.
✔ Know English well enough for communication.

The recruitment process is as follows:

1. After receiving the CV, we arrange a 30-minute interview with the recruitment department.
2. he next step is a technical interview and a meaningful test task.
3. Discussion of the task and presentation of the offer.
4. Welcome aboard.

About us:

We are a software house based in Krakow. In recent years, we have almost entirely switched to remote work. Currently, over twenty programmers, both male and female, develop mobile and gamedev projects with us.

If you’re interested in this position please send your resume to [email protected].

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